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All About Wellness

Source: The National Wellness Institute

Here at R.P.T. Physical Therapy, not only do we strive to provide effective physical therapy, we also promote healthy lifestyles through exercise, fitness and wellness. The graphic above displays the six dimensions of wellness. Addressing and striving toward all six dimensions of wellness in our lives builds a "holistic sense of wellness and fulfillment."

According to the National Wellness Institute, wellness is a term that can be applied in many ways. There is a general consensus that wellness is "a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of acheiving full potential. Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, and encompasses lifestyle, mental and spiritual well being, and the environment," and lastly, "Wellness is positive and affirming."  

Additionally, "wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence."

Wellness is an ongoing process and arguably a state of mind, too. So, how do we actually apply it? The holistic model explains:

  • how a person contributes to the environment 
  • how life is enriched through work, and how it connects to living and playing
  • the development of belief systems, values, and cultivating a world-view
  • the benefits of regular physical activity, healthy eating, as well as all elements of self-care
  • the development of self esteem and self control
  • sharing your gifts with others through creative and stimulating mental activities

Proper wellness gives us strength to meet life's challenges. 

Applying wellness makes a person more aware of each dimension of wellness and how they contribute to healthy living.

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