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» Benefits of Cycling
Benefits of Cycling

According to Better Health Channel, there are many benefits to cycling as a form of exercise:

  • Cycling is low impact: there is arguably less strain and injury involved than most other forms of exercise. 
  • It's a good muscle workout: Cycling targets and uses all the major muslce groups as you pedal. 
  • It does not require high levels of physical skill.
  • Cycling incereases stamina, strength, and aerobic fitness.
  • It can be as intense of a workout as you make it, meaning its adjustable in terms of its difficulty level. 
  • It can be fun. 
  • It is an excellent alternative to being sedentary, like one may be driving or using public transportation.  

Health Benefits of Cycling 

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased muscle strength and flexbility 
  • Increased joint mobility 
  • Less stress
  • Improved posture and coordination
  • Increased bone strength
  • Decreased body fat levels
  • Prevention/management of disease
  • Decreased levels of anxiety and depression

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